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Great War: Doss Casina and Dosso Alto

Surroundings, Torbole sul Garda - Nago

Duration in hours
Distance in km
Suggested period

A hike through some of the First World War sites where the Italian Futurists fought

This area bears many traces of the First World War. Malga Zures, fortified by the Austro-Hungarians with a complex system of tunnels was a particularly important point on the Front and the target of a particularly violent assault by the Italian army in 1915. The position was held by the imperial troops until the end of the war, but the Italians took up position in the immediate vicinity at Doss Casina (which became the hub of the Italian front line), as well as Doss Remit and Dosso Alto.

During the early months of the war, a number of Italian Futurists who belonged to the Voluntary Cyclist and Automobile Driver Battalion were posted at Doss Casina: these included Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Umberto Boccioni, Mario Sironi, Luigi Russolo, Antonio Sant'Elia and Antonio Bucci. For them, the experience on the Front was an unforgettable experience which they speak about in their private correspondence and diaries but also in their sound poetry and the  “Manifesto of Futurism – Italian Pride”.

Further information and useful links

For more information on routes, services (guides, mountain huts, shops etc.) and hiking friendly accommodation: Garda Trentino - +39 0464 554444

Route info
Route number
7,2 km
3 h 20 min
Altitude difference (+)
448 m
Altitude difference (-)
452 m
Physical effort
Highest point
1.035 m
Lowest point
679 m

An itinerary along the former border between the Kingdom of Italy and the the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the First World War. 

Safety guidelines

Safety Tips

  1. Choose itineraries that suit your physical and technical abilities. Collect information about the area you are visiting and the trail’s conditions and get a detailed trekking map.
  2. Wear clothes and take equipment that suit the difficulty and length of your tour. Keep emergency gear in your rucksack, including first aid supplies.
  3. Do not go walking alone in the mountains. In any case, tell someone where you are going and report back on returning.
  4. Look at the weather forecast before setting off and always keep an eye on the weather.
  5. In case of doubt, go back. It is better to give up than risk bad weather or face difficulties beyond your strength, ability and equipment.
  6. Do not leave marked paths and do not take shortcuts.
  7. All described walks are in a natural environment and therefore their use is at your own risk.

This information is subject to inevitable variations, so none of these indications are absolute. It is not entirely possible to avoid giving inexact or imprecise information, given how quickly environmental and weather conditions can change. For this reason, we decline any responsibility for changes which the user may encounter. In any case, it is advisable to check environment and weather conditions before setting out.

Punto di partenza
Malga Zures - Nago

From Malga Zures take the Peace Trail SAT 601 (Sentiero della Pace) to Dos Casino passing through trenches, defence posts and barracks from the First World War. A short detour from the main trail leads up to the peak of Doss Casina (panoramic viewing point: the Italian defence post was in a straight line of view with the main Austro-Hungarian defences - Brione, Rocchetta, Tombio, Creino, Biaena) and the little chapel built here by serving soldiers in 1916. At the turn-off follow directions for SAT 601C which leads to the Garbegne military encampment and the Sasso Sega military cemetery. Turn onto SAT 601B to get to Dosso Alto, the scene of numerous battles. Head back to the main trail and down to Malga Zures.

public transportation

I centri principali del Garda Trentino - Riva del Garda, Arco, Torbole sul Garda, Nago - sono collegati da diverse linee bus urbane ed extraurbane, che permettono di raggiungere i punti d'accesso ai percorsi.

Riva del Garda e Torbole sul Garda sono raggiungibili anche con il servizio di navigazione pubblica.

Informazioni aggiornate su orari e tratte.

Attention! Malga Zures is not served by any public transport service.

How to get there

You can get to Malga Zures from Nago by the tarmac road for Monte Baldo (approx. 10 km).

Find out how to reach Garda Trentino.

Where to park

Free parking at Malga Zures.

You need to wear the right clothing and take the proper gear when you go hiking in the mountains. Even on relatively short easy outings make sure to take all you need so you don't run into trouble if things take an unexpected turn, for example a storm blows up or you have a sudden drop in energy levels.

What should you take when you go on a hike?

Your rucksack (for a day trip a 25/30L capacity should do) should contain:

  • water canteen (1L)
  • snacks (e.g. mixed dried fruit or chocolate)
  • First aid kit
  • windproof jacket
  • fleece
  • change of t-shirt and socks (in a plastic bag)
  • make sure to wear or at least bring a pair of long trousers
  • hat
  • sun screen
  • sunglasses
  • gloves
  • whistle to attract attention in an emergency


Make sure you're wearing the right footwear for the trail and season. The going can get rough and rocky underfoot and a pair of hiking boots will protect you from sprains. When wet, a grassy slope, rocky slab or steep trail can be dangerous unless you are wearing the proper footwear.

And finally... don't forget to bring your camera! You'll need it to capture the stunning views you come across all over Garda Trentino. And if you like, you can share your memories with us at #GardaTrentino.

Emergency telephone number 112.

Road closed in winter
The road to Monte Balso is closed to the traffic from 15/11 to 15/04 (from Malga Zures) 
Staff Outdoor Garda Trentino
14.10.2024 08:05
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